Throughout the project, we have published a series of papers about the advancements and findings of the FRAMES project with the aim to provide to the public and fellow researchers notes about our work.
Beaven, A., Pittarello, S., & van der Heijden, C. (2021). Scenarios for the integration of Virtual Exchange in Higher Education. Zenodo.
Mühlbauer, Juliet, & van der Velden, Bart. (2022). Toolkit for integration of Virtual Exchange in Higher Education. Zenodo.
Stefanelli, C., Beaven A., Pittarello, S., van der Heijden, C., Betts, A., Barmettler, A., Giralt, M., Pratesi, A., Torlone, F., & Verzichelli, L. (2023). Strategic framework for the integration of Blended Mobility and Virtual Exchange in Higher Education Institutions. Zenodo.
Peer reviewed journals
Giralt, M., Betts, A., Pittarello, S., & Stefanelli , C. (2022). Scenarios for the Integration of Virtual Exchange in Higher Education. Journal of International Students, 12(S3), 116–134.
Conference Papers
Betts, A., Giralt, M., Pittarello, S., & Stefanelli, C. (2021). Accredited Mobility for European Sustainable Higher Education innovation implementing Virtual Exchange. In K. Elliot (Ed.), International Virtual Exchange Conference (pp. 7–8).
Betts, A., Beaven, A., Giralt, M., Pittarello, S., & Stefanelli, C. (2022, February 17-18). Scenarios for the integration of Virtual Exchange in Higher Education [Paper & Practice presentation]. European Learning & Teaching Forum, EUA European Universities Association
Beaven, A. (2022). Developing a framework for the integration of Virtual Exchange across the curriculum. In Ubachs, G. et al. (Ed.), Digital Reset: European Universities Transforming for a Changing World. Proceedings of the Innovating Higher Education Conference 2022 (I-HE2022). Zenodo.
Beaven, A., Pittarello, S., & Giralt, M. (2022, October 26-28). Developing an action plan for integrating Virtual Exchange in Higher Education. International Virtual Exchange Conference, Valencia, Spain
Stefanelli, C. (2022), Fostering resilience through Accredited Mobility for European Sustainable Higher Education innovation. Book of Abstracts of the VALEU-X International Conference, Tirana, Albania & Online, 30 November 2022. (2022). ToKnowPress. ISBN 978-83-65020-42-0.