This section hosts project-related articles and news.

FRAMES final event: 30 March 2023 in Siena and online

On 30 March 2023, we are organising our FRAMES final event “Framing Virtual Exchange and Blended Mobility in Higher Education: looking ahead”, which will be hosted by the University of Siena on 30 March 2023. You can find the final agenda and further information on the meeting, such as how to register, at this link. […]

SAVE THE DATE: FRAMES final conference

Framing Virtual Exchange and Blended Mobility in Higher Education Date: 30 March 2023  Venue: University of Siena Aula Magna Storica, Rectorate Via Banchi di Sotto, 55 – Siena, Italy Registration: On 30 March 2023, FRAMES is organising its final event onsite at the University of Siena in Italy. The theme of the event is […]

FRAMES 2022 Year in Review: thank you for making 2022 so special!

2022 has been a year to remember for FRAMES. Together with our partners and community, we have mobilised change by training and inspiring educators to embrace and adopt Virtual Exchange, facilitating the integration and accreditation of Virtual Exchange in Higher Education throughout Europe and beyond. This year we have: delivered an Collaborative online Training on […]